EmTech Europe encourage young people to join conference with Bright Future Pass

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EmTech Europe is encouraging young people and females in the tech sector to get involved in this year’s conference through a special ticket offer.

EmTech Europe is encouraging young people and females in the tech sector to get involved in this year’s conference through a special ticket offer.

The Bright Future pass, for students across Ireland studying at third-level education, will enable young people working or studying in the STEM sectors to attend the prestigious MIT conference on July 1-2. The ticket, priced at £10, will allow entry to all EmTech Europe talks virtually throughout the two-day conference.

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Conference organisers, Aisling Events are encouraging any young person interested in technology to avail of the Bright Future pass which will give them an opportunity to connect with some of the Europe’s leading technologists and entrepreneurs.

Chief Executive of Staffline Ireland, Tina McKenzie, Director of Aisling Events, Connla McCann and Catherine Daly of Women Who CodeChief Executive of Staffline Ireland, Tina McKenzie, Director of Aisling Events, Connla McCann and Catherine Daly of Women Who Code
Chief Executive of Staffline Ireland, Tina McKenzie, Director of Aisling Events, Connla McCann and Catherine Daly of Women Who Code

A Women in Tech pass has also been created to ensure females working in the tech space have access to EmTech Europe. The pass will give attendees a 25% discount for a standard virtual conference pass.

Europe’s female technology leaders, researchers, and innovators across artificial intelligence, health and sustainability are paving the way for the next generation of tech entrepreneurs. Speakers at this year’s conference include;

Nicole Eagan, Chief Strategy Officer, AI Officer of Darktrace

Henrietta Moon, CEO and co-founder of Carbo Culture

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Joanna J Bryson, Prof. of Ethics and Technology, Hertie School of Governance

Liz Ashall-Payne, Co-founder and CEO of ORCHA

Nora Khaldi, Founder and CEO of Nuritas

Nathalie Casas, Head of Technology, Climeworks

Rachel Dunscombe, CEO & Director of the NHS Digital Academy

Marga Hoek, Global Author & Speaker

This follows the announcement that EmTech Europe will be one of the first in-person business conference to take place across the UK and Ireland since the beginning of the pandemic.

Hosted by Titanic Belfast, EmTech Europe will have 100 audience members per day attending the conference in person, while an international audience will watch the streamed conference online.

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The hybrid conference will be safety-led with all relevant data and risk assessments made ahead of the two-day event. On site mitigations will include social distancing, capped numbers, hygiene protocols, no conference paraphernalia and no mingling – all representing the new normal in business conferencing.

Connla McCann, Director of Aisling Events, said: “This year’s EmTech Europe will see some of Europe’s best and brightest join us, including revered women who are trailblazing the way forward in the technology sphere. Speakers such as Nicole Eagan of Darktrace, Henrietta Moon of Carbo Culture and Nora Khaldi from Nuritas are leaders within their own right, and we are thrilled to be offering Belfast’s own female tech leaders an opportunity to join us at the conference.

“The talented pool of young people working and studying in STEM in Belfast is really remarkable and is one of the key reasons why our city is emerging as a leading tech city in Europe. Therefore, we are reaching out to our young people and inviting them to partake in EmTech Europe, offering them a unique opportunity to connect with some of the most influential people of the European tech scene.

“We would also like to welcome Staffline as one of our partners for this year’s conference. As one of our leading recruitment agencies who work to ensure the right people are employed within our technology sector, it is fantastic to have them join us and contribute to this year’s programme.”

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Partner of EmTech Europe, Staffline’s Managing Director, Tina McKenzie, added: “I am delighted that Staffline is partnering up with EmTech Europe to showcase the talent and opportunity that Northern Ireland has to offer. As we begin to emerge from the pandemic and react to the changing economic landscape, it is essential that we focus on innovation and new technologies as we adjust to living and working differently.

“I am thrilled with the focus on encouraging participation from women and young people, as we know those groups have been most adversely affected by the pandemic. It is wonderful to see Belfast leading the way as a modern, entrepreneurial city and I welcome the opportunity to engage with leading tech entrepreneurs throughout Europe.”

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