Moy Park launches Apprenticeship Scheme

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Leading food company Moy Park has announced a new apprenticeship programme designed to nurture the next generation of engineering talent.

The four-year programme will provide apprentices with mentorship support and access to additional learning and development schemes with Moy Park’s engineering team. The class-based curriculum, developed in partnership with local colleges and training partners, includes modules on the latest technical trends and engineering advancements as well as problem solving techniques.

Open for applicants across Northern Ireland and GB, Nicola Hayward, Early Careers and Apprenticeship Manager at Moy Park said the programme is a great way for young people to excel in a high growth area; “The food industry has some of the most innovative engineering equipment available and our apprenticeship programme equips young people with invaluable practical skills to thrive in this ever-evolving sector.

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“Our students also receive extensive mentorship support and hands-on, practical learning experiences, all while benefiting from Moy Park’s additional workplace learning and reward schemes. Apprentices form an integral part of our business, bringing fresh ideas and perspectives which is essential to our position at the forefront of cutting-edge food innovation. With over 20 places up for grabs, we look forward to welcoming new recruits in the coming months.”

Stephen Spence, an engineering apprentice at Moy Park, supervised by Moy Park trainer, Jason CraigStephen Spence, an engineering apprentice at Moy Park, supervised by Moy Park trainer, Jason Craig
Stephen Spence, an engineering apprentice at Moy Park, supervised by Moy Park trainer, Jason Craig

Stephen Spence, an engineering apprentice at Moy Park said apprenticeships are great for developing career-ready skills; “I would recommend an apprenticeship to anybody who enjoys practical learning. Personally, I feel that I learn more by being hands on, so the opportunity to learn in a classroom and immediately be able to put it into practice the next day at work is the perfect way for me to earn my qualifications, and quickly develop skills that I can use throughout my career. Being an apprentice is also being a part of a business, so you get the benefits that comes from being part of a team as well as a student.”

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