Randox Covid-19 PCR tests reduced to £60 for overseas travel

Randox Covid-19 PCR testsRandox Covid-19 PCR tests
Randox Covid-19 PCR tests
Northern Ireland’s Randox, the UK’s largest Covid-19 PCR testing provider, has announced their support for holidaymakers seeking trips overseas by reducing the cost of PCR tests to support travel to £60 per test.

Currently PCR tests can cost from £100 each, however Randox which has headquarters in Crumlin and its covid testing centre at the Randox Science Park in Antrim, has made traveling more affordable.

The reduced price for travel testing will support the travel industry and the general public, especially families, to go on holiday when international travel resumes.

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Last week UK Secretary of State for Transport Grant Schapps sought to lower the cost of coronavirus testing to help encourage foreign holidays this summer – and Randox have led the response.

Randox is reducing the cost of PCR tests to support travelRandox is reducing the cost of PCR tests to support travel
Randox is reducing the cost of PCR tests to support travel

Dr Peter FitzGerald, Randox Managing Director said: “In recognition of the needs of both the travel industry and the British public at this unprecedented time, Randox will reduce the all-inclusive cost of PCR testing for those in the UK undertaking international travel to £60 per test. We can see the pressures faced by the both the travel industry and the general public and are committed to effective and economical testing to support holidaymakers and those undertaking international travel.

The £60 PCR test is based on a testing kit ordered, on-line, for home sample collection with the sample returned to the laboratory for testing.

In order to achieve the £60 price, which is limited to those undertaking international travel, purchasers will need to apply a discount code which can initially be obtained from airlines when booking travel. Those passengers wishing to order a Randox PCR Covid-19 home test should visit: https://www.randoxhealth.com/covid-19-home-testing-kit/

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Randox have been active in Covid-19 testing since early 2020, and currently have the largest Covid-19 testing network within the UK.

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