Randox processes its 10 millionth Covid-19 test and details investment in testing capacity

Randox Founder and Managing Director, Dr Peter FitzGeraldRandox Founder and Managing Director, Dr Peter FitzGerald
Randox Founder and Managing Director, Dr Peter FitzGerald
Randox has confirmed that it has processed its 10 millionth sample for the UK’s Covid-19 National Testing Programme, making it the first Pillar 2 testing laboratory to achieve this milestone.

This achievement is based upon a £85 million investment since March 2020 in facilities and equipment at Randox’s laboratories in Northern Ireland.

As a key partner laboratory from initiation of the UK’s National Testing Programme in March 2020, Randox quickly ramped up its testing capacity. Randox’s response has involved recruitment of over 850 new staff, the building and equipping of over 80,000 sq ft of new molecular laboratory space and the development of new innovations in testing technology. These efforts have seen Randox’s Covid-19 testing capacity grow from 150 tests per day in March 2020 to over 120,000 samples per day today, making Randox the largest throughput laboratory in the UK and Ireland and amongst the biggest in Europe.

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Randox Founder and Managing Director, Dr Peter FitzGerald, said: “This milestone is an incredible achievement and testament to the dedication and hard work of our teams, who have pulled together at a time of national crisis and whose non-stop efforts are vital to enable the country to return to both social and economic normality.

“We will continue to build our capacity and develop new cutting-edge testing equipment to support the fight against Covid-19. We’ve all learnt from this pandemic the importance of early and accurate testing and Randox is committed to investing in diagnostic technology to meet future health challenges.”

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