Council launch ‘Boost our Borough’ campaign

Pictured at the launch of Boost our Borough campaign, Lord Mayor Councillor Kevin Savage, Business Partnership Alliance representatives Alison Strong and Michael Donaghy with Julie Ann Spence from ABC Council’s Regeneration departmentPictured at the launch of Boost our Borough campaign, Lord Mayor Councillor Kevin Savage, Business Partnership Alliance representatives Alison Strong and Michael Donaghy with Julie Ann Spence from ABC Council’s Regeneration department
Pictured at the launch of Boost our Borough campaign, Lord Mayor Councillor Kevin Savage, Business Partnership Alliance representatives Alison Strong and Michael Donaghy with Julie Ann Spence from ABC Council’s Regeneration department
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and in collaboration with the Business Partnership Alliance have launched a new economic recovery campaign.

Entitled ‘Boost our Borough, the campaign has brought to life a cartoon character ‘Bob’ who is getting out and about across the region’s city, towns and rural areas to spread the word about staying and shopping local.

With the unprecedented impact of Coronavirus, the borough’s economy has been turned upside down, with local businesses experiencing devastating and long-lasting consequences of this global pandemic. Now starting on the road to recovery, local businesses are being given a helping hand from Bob, who is leading the way to encourage local residents to show their support to help sustain employment and revive the local economy.

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Over the next few weeks, Bob will be rolling out the Boost our Borough campaign message across the borough and beyond to encourage everyone to shop local, dine local and stay local to boost the local economy. The imaginative and creative campaign will also see the introduction of a local retail loyalty card scheme – providing discretionary discounts with retailers.

Joining Bob in Banbridge to launch the campaign, Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Kevin Savage said: “With the entrepreneurial spirit woven in the fabric of our borough, we have always been proud of our hard working, innovative and successful local business community. There is no doubt that the Coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact on our economy, resulting in local businesses facing an extreme and unprecedented period of turbulence.

“As lockdown restrictions begin to ease, it is great to see many of our local shops get back to business, but with this slow and cautious return, we understand things will not be like the way they were, as businesses pivot and adapt to meet social distancing guidelines.

“We recognise our local business community has a long, tough road to recovery ahead of them and as a council we are wholeheartedly ready to get behind our local traders to support them on this journey. As we all start to navigate this ‘new’ normal, I would urge all residents to show their support by shopping and staying local, so together we can start to rebuild and revive our local economy.”

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Backing the Boost our Borough campaign, Chair of the Business Partnership Alliance, Adrian Farrell added: “The financial assistance from the various Government support packages has enabled many of our local businesses to stay afloat but we know this cannot last forever. We need to see our local shops and retailers trade safely again to ensure the long term viability of the borough’s economy. Now more than ever it is vital for local residents to show their support and back their local high street shops.”

Find out more how you can be part of Bob’s mission to Boost our Borough and show support for the local economy here:

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