Firms get behind drive to help the vulnerable through COVID-19

Justine and David Harrison who set up the C-19 Business PledgeJustine and David Harrison who set up the C-19 Business Pledge
Justine and David Harrison who set up the C-19 Business Pledge | Freelance
Local businesses have joined a national campaign to help Britain and its most vulnerable citizens pull through the coronavirus crisis.

Former Cabinet Minister, Rt Hon Justine Greening, who launched the C-19 Business Pledge with entrepreneur David Harrison, welcomed Northern Irish backing for the scheme encouraging businesses to join the coronavirus national effort by pledging to go the extra mile helping their employees, customers and local communities get through the crisis.

The initiative has already received the backing of employers collectively representing over one million people across Britain. The campaign is already being backed by Northern Irish MP’s including Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP (Lagan Valley), Stephen Farry MP (North Down), Carla Lockhart MP (Upper Bann), Ian Paisley MP (North Antrim), Gavin Robinson MP (Belfast East) and Jim Shannon MP (Strangford).

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Northern Irish Businesses like the Bank of Ireland UK have joined household names like The Co-Op, Royal Bank of Scotland and Asda in signing up to the C-19 Business Pledge. Other supporting businesses include BP, Everton Football Club, Drax Power, DLA Piper, Persimmon Homes, Compass Group and Virgin Care.

Also on board are investment company True Potential, tech giant Konica Minolta, and law firm Shoosmiths.

Universities have also risen to the challenge, meanwhile, with KCL, Stirling, Bradford, York St John, Bolton, Staffordshire and Leeds Beckett universities all putting pledges forward.

Employers who sign up to the C-19 Business Pledge give their backing to provide extra support in three main areas - their employees, customers and communities. They will not only help Britain through the immediate challenges of coronavirus, but also through its recovery.

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Firstly, to support their own employees throughout and beyond this challenging time. For example, this could include practical support and advice on financial security, mental health, personal wellbeing as well as reintegration back into work for those who have experienced an extended period away from the workplace.

Secondly, to publish clear and simple advice for customers.

Where possible they could have specialist teams dedicated to supporting customers if they are having problems, such as those facing repayment difficulties and vulnerable customers, as RBS has done.

Thirdly, doing what they can to help communities in Britain through the epidemic. Over the coming months we are likely to see a sharp increase in isolation, loneliness, mental health and household financial issues in our communities across the country. There will be an increased need for communities to come together with practical support, such as food deliveries, collections and financial assistance for organisations that specialise in supporting vulnerable people.

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Rt Hon Justine Greening said: “With the future of many employers hanging in the balance and incredibly tough times unfolding in sectors across Northern Ireland, businesses face many incredibly difficult decisions.

“But those companies who are able to, can have a huge role in battling the impact of coronavirus and make a real difference in these uniquely challenging times.

“In spite of everything, lots of Northern Irish businesses have already shown amazing initiative and commitment to helping people affected by coronavirus.

“The C-19 Business Pledge is all about encouraging as many businesses as possible to get involved and then helping them do that faster and better by sharing all the great work that’s already been done on our website.

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“The early response has been incredible and I’ll do everything I can to help to connect up British business to play its role.”

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