Firms unite to produce over 13m face shields

Bloc Blinds Managing Director Cormac Diamond joins Ciaran Doherty, General Manager Huhtamaki Foodservice UKBloc Blinds Managing Director Cormac Diamond joins Ciaran Doherty, General Manager Huhtamaki Foodservice UK
Bloc Blinds Managing Director Cormac Diamond joins Ciaran Doherty, General Manager Huhtamaki Foodservice UK | Freelance
Global packaging company, Huhtamaki, have joined forces with Magherafelt based manufacturer Bloc Blinds to massively increase production of personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers.

The two companies are set to deliver on an order of over 13 million Bloc FaceShields for HSCNI Business Services Organisation over the next 12 weeks.

Recently Bloc Blinds re-purposed its production line to produce 22,000 face shields per day. With Huhtamaki now on board using high speed packaging lines, an additional 400,000 pieces of equipment will be manufactured daily.

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Ciaran Doherty, General Manager Huhtamaki Foodservice UK, explained: “Huhtamaki has partnered with Bloc Blinds, working at incredible speed to scale up manufacturing of their FaceShields in a bid to support frontline workers in acute care settings. We have reorganised our factory to produce 4 million face shields per week and are continuing to invest rapidly to increase this output. With PPE so critical in winning the fight against Covid-19, our agile and innovative use of high-speed packaging lines will massively increase the volume of Bloc FaceShields produced per day. We are fully committed to delivering this high-volume order as quickly as possible.”

Huhtamaki have repurposed staff previously occupied in manufacturing food packaging for major restaurant chains such as McDonalds and KFC, which are currently closed. The factory floor and other operations have been adapted to allow for social distancing measures and all Public Health Agency advice. Huhtamaki also hope to scale up production for the global market at other European sites, aligning with the company’s commitment to Care, Dare, Deliver.

Bloc Blinds Managing Director Cormac Diamond continued: “We started off trying to lend our support in some small way. This partnership with Huhtamaki can help us take it to the next level and ramp up production of Bloc FaceShields, providing this vital PPE to more people. We are determined to help as many frontline workers as possible - and this new venture with Huhtamaki will not only help make this a reality but ensure a robust supply chain is in place.”

Liam McIvor, Chief Executive, HSCNI Business Services Organisation, added: “HSCNI Business Services Organisation welcomes and appreciates the initiative and invention of Huhtamaki and Bloc Blinds in the provision of face shields for the local health sector. This product will be warmly welcomed by all health and social care staff dealing with this virus. Face shields are an important element of Personal Protection Equipment for clinical staff. We are grateful and look forward to working with Huhtamaki and Bloc Blinds.”

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