Major business body pledges support to council’s ‘unsung heroes’

Mid and East Antim Council headquarters at The Braid, Ballymena.Mid and East Antim Council headquarters at The Braid, Ballymena.
Mid and East Antim Council headquarters at The Braid, Ballymena. | other
A key business organisation is making available extensive logistical and manpower resources to ensure vital services continue to be delivered to the public in Mid and East Antrim Borough.

In a gesture of support to Mid and East Antrim Council - and to the other local authorities across Northern Ireland - Gordon Best, regional director of the Mineral Products Association NI (MPANI), promised the backing of his industry to those on the frontline during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mr Best, whose organisation represents around 95% of the quarrying and construction material suppliers in the province, said: “Councils and all the unsung heroes in public service are doing a fantastic job at the front line against Covid-19 and keeping public services going and we greatly appreciate it.

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“As the construction industry is beginning to shut down our MPANI members have huge logistical and personnel resources that might be of assistance.”

East Antrim MP, Sammy Wilson, said: “To see the business community and local government working together to help those who need it most during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic is a brilliant example of what can be achieved.

“As an organisation operating throughout Northern Ireland, MPANI has a wealth of resources and contacts across the business network. At a time when local councils and other statutory and public agencies face ever changing challenges, this pledge from MPANI is great news.”

Councillor Gregg McKeen, chair of Mid and East Antrim Council’s Borough Growth Committee, welcomed the offer of support and said local authorities had led the way in prioritising the delivery of essential services to their communities.

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He added: “This pledge by Gordon Best on behalf of MPANI is much welcomed at this particularly challenging time for us all.

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council has rallied to the call to ensure we can continue to deliver first class, frontline services to our citizens.

“It is heartening to see people, businesses and other agencies pulling together at a time of crisis to protect our most vulnerable.”