New tech-based energy supplier is set to ‘disrupt local market’

Pictured, from left are: Ciaran Devine, Co-Founder of Bright and Evermore Energy; Brian Donaldson, CEO of The Maxol Group, and Stephen Devine, Co-Founder of Bright and Evermore EnergyPictured, from left are: Ciaran Devine, Co-Founder of Bright and Evermore Energy; Brian Donaldson, CEO of The Maxol Group, and Stephen Devine, Co-Founder of Bright and Evermore Energy
Pictured, from left are: Ciaran Devine, Co-Founder of Bright and Evermore Energy; Brian Donaldson, CEO of The Maxol Group, and Stephen Devine, Co-Founder of Bright and Evermore Energy | Press Eye Ltd
Bright, a new, technology-based energy supplier founded by well-known entrepreneurs Ciaran and Stephen Devine in partnership with Ireland’s largest family-owned forecourt retailer Maxol, has vowed to disrupt Northern Ireland’s energy market.

Using a unique software platform and a specially designed app, it will offer just one simple tariff and provide customers with affordable green electricity at a fair and transparent price.

Bright has created 15 new jobs at its Belfast HQ where it will manage its island-wide operations and plans to double its workforce in the coming months.

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Having completed a successful trial period, it will be launched in the Republic of Ireland at the end of June and will be rolled out across Northern Ireland in late summer.

One of the new bright billboardsOne of the new bright billboards
One of the new bright billboards | Freelance

Bright’s technology driven and simplified approach will change how people manage and pay for their energy. Its customers will no longer spend time and money managing complex energy tariffs and bills, and unlike other suppliers, there are no tie ins or exit fees.

“The electricity supply market in Northern Ireland is overly complicated and it doesn’t need to be,” explained Ciaran Devine, who co-founded bright alongside his brother Stephen. Bright’s beauty is in its simplicity. We are offering one simple variable rate tariff to everyone – that’s it. So, when prices fall, savings can be passed on to bright’s customers, the way it should be.

“It also means new customers won’t receive an introductory rate before being automatically moved onto a much higher tariff after say, 12 months like you see with most other suppliers in the market. Bright does not differentiate its pricing for new and existing customers but instead we treat all customers the same - fair for all. Put simply, we offer what others don’t. Transparency, fairness, sustainability, and convenience – all in the palm of your hand. We have created bright so it’s the easiest energy company to join and there are no tie ins if you decide to leave. We just think that when people see what we offer, they won’t want to go back to another supplier. We believe bright really will be your last switch.

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“The issue of climate change isn’t going away, and we know our customers want to play their part in that fight. But protecting the planet doesn’t always have to come at an additional cost and bright is living proof of that.

“The world is evolving faster than ever, and we want to be at the heart of that change, so bright’s technology platform isn’t just for the here and now. It is designed to help our customers save money and become more energy efficient as the technology in their homes evolves, and that’s something we’re really excited about.

“We’re also looking forward to bringing bright’s tech-driven, transparent approach to the gas supply market later this year. That will allow our customers to easily manage their gas and electricity using our app. So, they’ll no longer need to deal with different suppliers and dozens of confusing tariffs.

“We’ve seen recently how technology can be used to make peoples’ lives easier and that’s what we want bright to do. We’re not just another supplier, we’re here to fundamentally change how this market works by putting the power in consumers’ hands.”

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Brian Donaldson, CEO of The Maxol Group said: “This is a significant move for Maxol as we look to diversify our business by making a move into the renewable energy sector. Such a move was an intrinsic part of our growth and diversification strategy, but it was crucial that we partnered with the right people with the experience, technical know-how, entrepreneurial spirit and vision to make it happen. This is great news for consumers and the local energy market and is a fitting way for The Maxol Group to mark its centenary year, as we celebrate the past while looking to the future.”


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