NI business leaders to take part in Fintech Week Webinar

Andrew Jenkins, Fintech Envoy for Northern IrelandAndrew Jenkins, Fintech Envoy for Northern Ireland
Andrew Jenkins, Fintech Envoy for Northern Ireland | Press Eye Ltd
HM Treasury appointed Fintech Envoy for Northern Ireland, Andrew Jenkins, is set to host a webinar with local senior industry and academic leaders as part of the Innovate Finance, UK Fintech Week 2020.

Participants taking part in the webinar on Thursday, April 30 at 1pm will include: John Healy OBE, Vice President and Managing Director, Allstate NI, Rose Mary Stalker, Founder 4C UR Future and Chair, Invest NI, Richard Kirk, Director, WorkPlus, William Smyth, Lecturer in Financial Services, Ulster University and Alex Lee, Chairman, fscom and Director, FinTech NI.

Over 500 participants from across the UK and further afield are expected to tune in. The webinar is expected to focus on the achievements of the sector in Northern Ireland and what the future might hold.

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Other topics for discussion will include the importance of digital skills, apprenticeships, funding and access to finance and how opportunities for further growth in Northern Ireland can be harnessed.

Northern Ireland is regarded as a world-renowned driver of the Fintech sector and has been named as one of the leading global Fintech locations of the future, in the 2019/20 fDi league table alongside cities including Singapore, New York and London.

The webinar, which will be hosted on the Innovate Finance, Fintech Week 2020 website can be accessed via:

Andrew Jenkins, Fintech Envoy for Northern Ireland said: “Despite the current restrictions, it was important that we still gather virtually to recognise the accomplishments of the sector and showcase how the industry is empowering resilience during this current crisis and supporting eventual recovery.”

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“By bringing together this group of senior leaders in this webinar, Northern Ireland will be well represented in the programme of fantastic events.”

“The recent successes of the Fintech industry are significant, and the opportunities are endless, but challenges do exist particularly around talent, skills and access to funding. Only by collaborating across the various government, industry and education sectors can we harness our true potential and achieve further growth.”

He added: “COVID-19 has illuminated the innovation at the heart of the industry which will be crucial for the future. Leveraging the power of technology, agile ways of working and a disruptive and innovative mindset, Fintech is providing consumers and businesses with access to better, fairer and more sustainable financial products and services.

“As Fintech Envoy for Northern Ireland, I am determined to continue engaging with policymakers and the wider Fintech industry including the NI Fintech Association which is doing incredible work, to ensure that Fintech remains front and centre as we face the economic and societal challenges in the coming period.”

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