Titanic Belfast drives Economic Impact and announces plans to Invest £3 million in Gallery Refreshment

Kerrie Sweeney, Titanic Foundation Limited, and Judith Owens, Titanic Belfast are pictured with Jackie Henry, Deloitte as it launches its independent economic impact figures and plans for the futureKerrie Sweeney, Titanic Foundation Limited, and Judith Owens, Titanic Belfast are pictured with Jackie Henry, Deloitte as it launches its independent economic impact figures and plans for the future
Kerrie Sweeney, Titanic Foundation Limited, and Judith Owens, Titanic Belfast are pictured with Jackie Henry, Deloitte as it launches its independent economic impact figures and plans for the future | Freelance
The owner, Titanic Foundation Limited, and operator of Titanic Belfast have jointly launched the most recent independent economic impact figures and announced their plans for the future.

The attraction, which changed the tourism footprint of Northern Ireland and opened the destination to international visitors, announced it has now welcomed 6million visitors from over 145 different countries and generated 319 million additional expenditure in the local economy over seven years.

At the event supported by representatives from key tourism bodies and industry leaders, they also outlined their commitment to continue as a key driver for tourism in Northern Ireland as they outlined plans to re-invest £3 million into a Gallery Refreshment Programme.

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Jackie Henry, Office Senior Partner at Deloitte Northern Ireland, who conducted the independent evaluation, said: “Having evaluated Titanic Belfast’s story from the outset, it stands out as one of Northern Ireland’s shining success stories. The report shows that Titanic Belfast is not just sustaining but growing in popularity as a visitor attraction.

“Accolades such as winning the World Travel Award had a measurable impact that was harnessed, resulting in a 17% growth in out of state visitor numbers the following year. Alongside its economic impact, which has grown from £38 million on average in its first three years to £60 million per year, it has provided jobs, and raised levels of ambition and confidence in Northern Ireland.”

Kerrie Sweeney, Chief Executive of Titanic Foundation Limited, the charity that owns the iconic building, continued: “In 2012, we opened Titanic Belfast with the aim of establishing Belfast as the home of Titanic, showcasing the city’s maritime and industrial past and it has certainly done this. It has gone from strength to strength on both the local, national and international level. Today’s announcement has proved it is a shining example of how a significant tourism investment combined with passion and belief can be a catalyst for economic growth and help positively position a destination on the worldwide stage.”

Speaking about the company’s biggest single investment and most ambitious project since opening in 2012, Judith Owens, Titanic Belfast’s Chief Executive, added: “At Titanic Belfast, we do not rest on our laurels and we are determined to build on our success, push boundaries and stay at the forefront of the industry. Through our Gallery Refreshment Programme, we aim to deliver a world-class spectacle that will continue to drive visitors to Belfast and Northern Ireland and will boost the interpretive and interactive galleries that explore the sights, sounds, smells and stories of Titanic, as well as the city and people which built her, in an innovative way for future generations.”

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The attraction has already redeveloped three of its nine galleries and added SS Nomadic, the biggest Titanic artefact and the last remaining White Star Line vessel in the world, which provides a rich tangible and authentic piece of Belfast’s industrial heritage, and employs approximately 300 staff.

For information, visit www.titanicbelfast.com.