Video: Johnston Financial Solutions ‘raises the bar’ with Walled City Brewery

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Walled City Brewery has seen a 50% uplift in revenue since launching its Taproom, the first of its kind for Londonderry, nine months ago.

After opening the restaurant in 2015 Walled City Brewery realised there was a huge opportunity for an adjacent Taproom to diversify the business’ offering for customers.

Last year, the gastro-pub worked with Johnston Financial Solutions to secure £50,000 of alternative funding which enabled the bespoke space to open.

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The Taproom has allowed Walled City Brewery to provide an alternative bar for wedding, private parties and other functions, host tasting experiences from their new Gin School and has also created a bigger brewery space which increases their brewing capacity and provides opportunities for tours. Furthermore, this bespoke space has a ‘Producers’ liquor licence, which means that the only alcoholic drinks that are served are the ones produced on site.

Mark Johnston, director of Johnston Financial Solutions, explained: “We were approached by James and Walled City Brewery to help unlock additional funds that were required to launch and open The Taproom. They had received a grant, but had a shortfall in funds which was required to make their dream, which had been 7 years in the making, a reality.

"We explored and secured an alternative funding option for Walled City Brewery and The Taproom opened in September of last year. We would encourage any business to explore alternative finance options when necessary to grow their business. We were delighted to support Walled City Brewery with the opening of this venture, which is fantastic for Ebrington Square, the city and its customers - and to see the positive results for their business.”

James Huey, co-founder, Walled City Brewery, continued: “Securing the additional finance was key to the opening of The Taproom, and we found the whole experience of working with Mark seamless and positive. The Taproom has really cemented what we want to do as a company and the foundations of our business. We believe The Taproom has helped make the business a lot more healthy and profitable and we are excited for our future.”

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