Coronavirus: Education Minister Peter Weir says ‘The time will come when it is right from a public health point of view that schools will need to close’

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Education Minister Peter Weir faced a barrage of criticism online this evening afterTweeting: “We are facing the biggest health crisis in decades.

“I understand and share the genuine fears and concerns of everyone for themselves and their family. The priority is public health and saving lives, and why I will be guided by the science and professional health advice.

“If we are to best protect our loved ones we need the right interventions at the right time making the most impact. I support the advice therefore of the Chief Medical Officer and the Scientific Advisory Group of Experts that now is not the time to close schools.

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“The time will come when it is right from a public health point of view that schools will need to close.

Schools and parents/guardians should begin to plan arrangements for that long period of closure including childcare for their children.

The Department is continuing to work on the preparations for education moving ahead as well and is aiming to give more public health advice to schools tomorrow.

“In this critical time let us all keep calm heads to help save lives and try to move forward together”

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He was met with comments from concerned parents and members of the public.

One said: “Peter, as BOG Chair of a Special Needs School, surely this guidance needs to reflect the needs of our society’s most vulnerable children? Their needs need to be looked at in a specific way?”.

Another reply said: “What criteria will you be using to make the decision to close schools? WHO state once the first community transmission happens - close school.

I am immune compromised my wife and son could bring the virus home to me as they have to attend school”.

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Another added: “Well said Peter. We are nowhere near the same stage as mainland Europe, and building up immunity in children to stop a second spike when they return to school in September is a smart move”.