Coronavirus-related racism in schools increasing, teaching union warns

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Teachers of Chinese and other ethnic minority origin are being subjected to racist name-calling, “banter” and intimidation in schools as fears of the coronavirus spread, a union has warned.

The NASUWT teachers’ union said reports by its members of abuse, prejudice, xenophobia and racism in schools have increased since the outbreak reached the UK.

The union said there had been a report of groups of pupils playing an “unsavoury” game of tag named after the coronavirus.

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Meanwhile, Stand Up To Racism say they have received reports of 16 incidents of coronavirus-related racism, not limited to schools.

In letters to Education Secretary Gavin Williamson and his counterparts in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the NASUWT union warned of pupils and school staff being verbally and physically abused on “grounds that appear to be racially motivated”.

The union is calling on education ministers to extend the coronavirus guidance that has already been issued to schools to address racist incidents related to coronavirus.

Chris Keates, acting general secretary of the NASUWT, said: “The NASUWT is extremely concerned at the extent of increased incidences of abuse, prejudice, xenophobia and racism as a result of the coronavirus (Covid-19).

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“Misinformation and false reporting about the coronavirus, its causes and how it is spread have fuelled fear and panic and in some cases led to the ostracising of people of East Asian heritage and others perceived to be ‘foreign’ or an ‘immigrant’ within the UK.

“Unfortunately, schools and colleges are not exempt from the associated xenophobic and racialised stereotyping of Chinese and other East Asian people.

“The NASUWT has received reports of increased covert and overt racial attacks perpetrated against some minority ethnic pupils and NASUWT members linked to coronavirus concerns.”

The warning comes after reports of verbal and physical abuse linked to the outbreak.

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Singaporean student Jonathan Mok, 23, said he was set upon by a group of men and a woman as he walked along Oxford Street in central London on Monday February 24.

He said one of the attackers told him: “I don’t want your coronavirus in my country”.

And last month, China’s ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming said the Chinese embassy had received reports of racism from universities “and even in some middle schools and primary schools”.

Ms Keates added: “The NASUWT is urging the Department for Education to communicate with schools and provide guidance and support for school leaders.”

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The National Education Union (NEU) also criticised the Government’s handling of issues relating to the virus outbreak and said it has a responsibility to “set a tone”.

Kevin Courtney, joint general secretary for the NEU, said: “The NEU has a number of concerns about contingency planning and support for schools around the coronavirus.

“These range from the impact on school trips and exams season, to the very worrying victimisation of BAME staff and students.

“Government has a responsibility to set a tone in their handling of the coronavirus, but unfortunately these issues have not been addressed in their action plan.

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“We are in touch with the Department for Education and trust that an ongoing conversation will lead to more comprehensive and up to date guidance.”

Weyman Bennett, joint national secretary for Stand Up To Racism, called for unity in dealing with the virus.

Speaking to the PA news agency, he said: “Where a disease originates does not explain the disease.

“We have to wash our hands of racism. I think it’s important that people take a stand on this.

“The most important thing is unity not division.”

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The group says it has received reports of 16 incidents of coronavirus-related racism, not restricted to educational settings.

He said: “I was on the train from Wimbledon, where people left the carriage because there was a Chinese man with a mask on it.

“[It is] unusual because people are saying ‘I have been attacked because people say I am bringing disease’ and that is kind of worrying really.”

A Department for Education spokeswoman said: “Racism or bullying of any kind is completely unacceptable and there is no excuse for it in any circumstances.

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“We have set up a dedicated helpline for education leaders, teaching staff and parents to answer questions about coronavirus related to education, complementing the advice being provided by Public Health England and the regular updates we have been sending to all educational settings since the start of February.”