Equality Commission warns that Protestant boys more likely to be unfairly disadvantaged by missing school

Equality Commission Chief Commissioner Geraldine McGaheyEquality Commission Chief Commissioner Geraldine McGahey
Equality Commission Chief Commissioner Geraldine McGahey | Johnston Press
The Equality Commission has sounded a warning that Protestant boys are more likely to be unfairly disadvantaged by missing school during the coronavirus crisis.

The Commission has said there are a number of issues around education provision and assessment where action by the Department of Education and others in response to Covid-19 could serve to promote equality of opportunity and avoid the emergence or widening of inequalities.

Chief Commissioner Geraldine McGahey said: “The loss of a full term at school could have different impacts on different groups of children.

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“Pre-schoolers will lose out on language, learning, social and behavioural benefits.

“Older children, losing a full term in the classroom, and possibly returning part-time, will also lose out, but in particular we are concerned about those already experiencing inequality – that is, boys, pupils entitled to free school meals, particularly Protestants and within that, particularly Protestant boys.

“We also see serious impacts on children who need specialist support in education, for example children with special educational needs or disabilities or those needing language support.”

She added: “Another issue is the equality impacts of decisions made now about assessments and examinations. For children who will now not be sitting GCSE, AS or A level examinations, it will be important to consider how we can ensure that this does not impede them progressing in their education.”

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Ms McGahey concluded: “It is important that the Department is aware that its decisions, even where they need to be made urgently, may have different impacts on different groups of people. The Section 75 duties on public bodies to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity and regard to the desirability of promoting good relations generally still need to be complied with, even at times of crisis.

“We are all agreed, surely, that every child deserves the opportunity to fulfil his or her potential at school, and that no one should be unfairly disadvantaged because of their equality characteristics. Action now is essential, built on evidence and informed by parents, communities and wider stakeholders, to mitigate the risks to children’s futures.”

The Department of Education has been approached for a response.