Presbyterian Church in Ireland makes changes to General Assembly routine

Last year, the General Assembly agreed significant reforms to proceedingsLast year, the General Assembly agreed significant reforms to proceedings
Last year, the General Assembly agreed significant reforms to proceedings
​Next week the Presbyterian Church in Ireland will announce names of its ministers who will be considered for the Church’s highest office – Moderator.

​Whoever goes on to lead the church in 2024-25 will be formerly elected and installed at June’s General Assembly in Belfast of more than 1,000 ministers and elders.

For those who follow the annual gathering of Irish Presbyterians, there will be a few differences in how and when this takes place.

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Last year, the Assembly agreed significant reforms to proceedings, with the formal election and installation of the new moderator moving from the traditional stand-alone ‘Opening Night’ to later in the Assembly week.

While the outgoing moderator, in this case Rev Dr Sam Mawhinney, will open the Assembly in the morning, lead worship and preach, and having seen the church work at home and overseas over the past year, he will chair remaining Assembly business sessions, with the benefit of his year experience in office.

Traditionally, a Presbyterian moderator serves for one year.