Ballyclare man turning 50 running 50 days for Cancer charity

Ballyclare man Erin Montgomery is running five miles a day for 50 days for Macmillan Cancer SupportBallyclare man Erin Montgomery is running five miles a day for 50 days for Macmillan Cancer Support
Ballyclare man Erin Montgomery is running five miles a day for 50 days for Macmillan Cancer Support | Other 3rd Party
A Ballyclare man is marking his upcoming 50th birthday by running five miles a day for 50 days for Macmillan Cancer Support.

About to turn 50 on June 9, Erin Montgomery’s challenge is to finish on his big day and have a special reason to celebrate - – raising vital funds for a charity that helped his father and other members of his family during difficult times.

The keen runner felt he had to do something to help out at a time when charities are struggling to fundraise due to the pandemic.

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Erin said: “I didn’t realise that Macmillan was dependent upon charitable donations for 98% of funding. That makes this fundraiser even more worthwhile.

“My dad Jack, who is no longer with us, was diagnosed with an in-operable brain tumour in 2010 and was treated at the Mater Hospital in Belfast. He received excellent care and support from Macmillan nurses during his final months.

“I also have a number of relatives, older cousins and aunts who have suffered from cancer and some of whom received support from Macmillan, so it feels good to be able to give something back.

“One of my sisters and her daughter are both nurses. They are working day-to-day throughout the current pandemic so my wife and I felt that Macmillan would be an excellent choice of charity given the role they play in supporting the NHS.”

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Although he has ran a number of half marathons over the past two years, Erin feels that his latest challenge is stretching his running ability, he said: “I’m a member of a local running club, who have been very supportive of my efforts, but I have to admit this is not something I thought I’d be doing turning 50. Although, I do feel it’s something I can achieve even if I am doing it slowly.

“For me, it’s all about raising as much money as I can and to get as many people as possible to sponsor me for doing something difficult. I’m really happy to be doing it and if it raises funds for Macmillan at a time when they need help from all their supporters then that’s all the better.

Jan Forrest, Macmillan’s Head of Regional Fundraising for Northern Ireland and Scotland, said: “I really applaud Erin’s effort by running for 50 continuous days. It’s an incredible challenge and I hope that he has a well-deserved celebration for his 50th when he finishes.

“I want to thank him for raising funds for Macmillan at a time when our support has become more important than ever. It’s very inspiring and we’re very grateful. Thanks very much Erin.”

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If you would like to donate to Erin’s Just Giving page, please visit:


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