Council continues to provide online support to businesses

Online services including webinars and seminarsOnline services including webinars and seminars
Online services including webinars and seminars | Freelance
Mid Ulster District Council continues to support local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing a number of online services including webinars and seminars.

Local businesses can participate in a number of free online digital seminars and business webinars where they will be able to listen to professional speakers share their advice for coping during the crisis, exchange concerns and ideas and share their experiences with one another.

These are: ‘Connecting with Customers’, on Tuesday, May 12 at 10am. The seminar will be delivered by Clara Maybin from So Social Marketing and Gail Sheen from Social Sheen. Topics covered during the seminar will include how to get your social messaging right, Facebook Live, Facebook Groups/Communities and creating videos.

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‘Communicating through Uncertainty’, on Wednesday, May 13 (and again on Monday, May 18) at 10am. Delivered by Una McSorley from Marcomm Training. In a time of great change, clear communications are critical, bringing much needed clarity. The webinar is full of really practical hints, tips and advice to help local businesses to shape their communications at this time.

‘Building Psychological Resilience’, on Thursday, May 21 at 10am. Delivered by Julie Allen from Julie Allen Consulting. The webinar will help participants understand both human behaviour and how to become psychologically flexible, allowing them to practice skills that will enable them to respond more flexibly to thoughts and feelings and live a rich, full and meaningful life.

In addition, Council support for the tourism and hospitality sector continues through the online forum and accompanying webinar sessions which take place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am.

The forum, which already has almost 90 participants, gives businesses the opportunity to share their own experiences of coping with the current crisis, ask questions, and receive practical help and advice (all tailored to the tourism and hospitality sector) from a number of industry bodies, including TNI, as well as legal, health and financial specialists.

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The forum is open to all businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector in Mid Ulster. The webinar sessions take place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am and are all delivered by leading industry experts.

Sessions next week include: Changing Personas and Mind-sets; View from Our International Markets; and Improve Your Instagram presence.

Speaking on the Council’s commitment to continuing to engage with, and support, local businesses, Chair of the Council, Councillor Martin Kearney said: “The Council remains committed to providing support, advice, guidance and help to local businesses during these incredibly difficult and testing times. The online webinars and seminars ensure we can still retain this close contact and communication with our businesses and continue to provide them with the level of support, encouragement and assistance they require.

“I would encourage all businesses to take advantage of the online resources and opportunities available to them and to take part in the upcoming online sessions.”

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To see the full list of upcoming online webinars and seminars, and to sign up, go to:

For other important COVID-19 information and advice for businesses see:

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