Knockagh Monument gatherings must stop, says Wilson

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People are flouting the coronavirus social distancing guidelines to gather at the Co Antrim War Memorial near Greenisland, it has been claimed.

Carrickfergus Ulster Unionist Councillor Andrew Wilson has appealed for those assembling at the location to stop.

In a Facebook post yesterday (Thursday), Mr Wilson said: “I’ve received numerous reports of people congregating at the Knockagh Monument who are not adhering to the social distancing guidelines issued by the Government.

“Please make only make journeys if they are essential.

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Knockagh Monument. Pic Colm Lenaghan/PacemakerKnockagh Monument. Pic Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker
Knockagh Monument. Pic Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker

“I would suggest a trip to the Knockagh at this time is not in this category.”

Police say they will disperse gathers and enforce social distancing where and when required.

In an appeal to the public earlier this week, the PSNI said: “Your actions over the next few weeks can either cost or save lives.

“Please co-operate and follow the NI Executive advice - Stay Home and Save Lives.”

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Cllr Andrew Wilson.Cllr Andrew Wilson.
Cllr Andrew Wilson. | Freelance

Meanwhile, Health Minister Robin Swann is urging everyone to stay at home this weekend.

In a statement this afternoon (Friday), the minister said: “The weather forecast is good for the next few days but I would really urge everyone to resist the temptation to head out and socialise.

“We have to maintain the fight back against Covid-19. That means every one of us staying at home and regularly washing our hands thoroughly. Only leave home if it’s absolutely necessary and, if you have to go out, keep your distance from others.

“This is about protecting yourself, protecting others and protecting the health service. For the sake of everyone you care about, don’t take a chance this weekend.”