New online library launched for people with sight loss

The RNIB has a new online library for people with sight loss (submitted image)The RNIB has a new online library for people with sight loss (submitted image)
The RNIB has a new online library for people with sight loss (submitted image) | Richard Bailey Photography
The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has launched a new online library offering people with sight loss instant access to thousands of free books in formats they can read.

The new platform already has more than 26,000 titles, making it a huge online library of Talking Books.

Funded by voluntary donations, RNIB’s Library service sends out up to 10,000 books per day and lent more than 1.5 million titles last year on CD, USB and digital downloads. This number continues to grow constantly, with the latest new titles including The Mirror and the Light by Hilary Mantel, Queenie by Kimberley Chambers and Westwind by Ian Rankin.

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It is hoped that this new platform, which aims to improve the current service, will provide even more blind and partially sighted people with access to reading at a time when lockdown measures due to the coronavirus have restricted outdoor activity.

RNIB Director of Services, David Clarke said: “Reading has become increasingly important to many blind and partially sighted people as a way of dealing with social distancing measures or self-isolation. By getting stuck into a good book, we are transported to another world – away from the stresses and strains of the current situation.”

RNIB’s Online Library also offers a growing number of books in eBraille which means people are able to download titles and read them on an electronic braille display, such as the Orbit Reader 20.

To sign up, visit the RNIB website or call the RNIB helpline on 0303 123 9999.


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