Remembrance garden part of new bereavement service by Northern Health Trust

Lesley-Ann Kennedy, Bereavement Support Midwife.Lesley-Ann Kennedy, Bereavement Support Midwife.
Lesley-Ann Kennedy, Bereavement Support Midwife. | Other 3rd Party
A Garden of Remembrance is to be created at Antrim Hospital to provide a dedicated space for remembrance for parents who have experienced pregnancy loss.

It is part of a new bereavement service that is being developed by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust.

A “Rainbow Clinic” will be specifically designed for those who have had a previous pregnancy loss and are now in a subsequent pregnancy.

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There are also plans for a “Butterfly Group” which will bring together staff and parents who have experienced a loss to develop the bereavement service.

As part of the initiative, Bereavement Support Midwife,Lesley-Ann Kennedy, has been appointed.

Previously, Lesley-Anne was a Midwifery Sister in Causeway Hospital, Coleraine.

Caroline Diamond, Head of Midwifery in the Northern Trust, said:  “We have listened to the parents in our service and are now really pleased to have this role in place.

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“This service will provide extra support and guidance to ensure that in the midst of the most difficult situation, women and their families will have that dedicated support available to enable the healthiest experience possible.

“Our goal is to provide an outstanding bereavement service that holistically supports women, partners and their families through loss.

“Lesley Ann is a very passionate and caring member of staff and I know she will work closely with all her Trust colleagues to ensure parents receive care which is clinically skilled, compassionate, consistent, kind and respectful.  ”

She will remained based in Causeway Hospital but she will be working across the Trust.

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Lesley Ann commented: “I feel very privileged to take up this new and extremely important role and look forward to making a real difference in families’ lives.

“The first thing I want to do is to establish the Butterfly Group which will bring together relevant staff and parents who have experienced a loss so that we can start to plan and shape the bereavement service moving forward.  If anyone feels they would like to be involved I would be delighted to hear from them.”

Lesley-Ann will be working closely with families to find out their wishes in regard to their loss and associated experience.

It is anticipated that The Butterfly Group will meet six times a year initially and members can opt to attend as many meetings as they like.

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Anyone who would like to join The Butterfly Group or would like more information, should contact [email protected]

Michelle Weir, Local Democracy Reporter.


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