Halifax Foundation helps NI charity sector

Brenda McMullan, Executive Director Halifax Foundation for NIBrenda McMullan, Executive Director Halifax Foundation for NI
Brenda McMullan, Executive Director Halifax Foundation for NI | User (UGC)
The Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland has responded quickly to the Covid-19 outbreak, awarding £387,854 in just four weeks to 66 charities battling to support their local communities during this time of crisis.

On the day the lockdown was announced (March 23) the Foundation moved immediately to provide emergency grants to support these charities in a range of activities to benefit those most at risk, including running food banks and delivering food parcels to those in need, domestic abuse support, mental health provision and online employability support for those who have lost their job as a result of the outbreak.

Brenda McMullan, Executive Director of the Halifax Foundation for NI said: “We are truly humbled by the amazing efforts of our charity and community sectors during these very uncertain and unprecedented times. The Foundation is working hard to award additional funding to those that need it most, and we are aware that time is of the essence. We will also help charities post-COVID to rebuild and re-establish their services at a time when they will be needed to help rebuild society.”

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One of the first recipients was Crumlin-based charity A Safe Space to Be Me which received £9,625 to help people in rural areas to access their local foodbank, obtain sanitation products, and support those who were self-isolating. Current grantees were also offered the opportunity to re-profile their grants to immediately respond to the COVID crisis, with the Foundation also providing flexibility and extensions to grants.

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