UFU creates public access info. poster

The UFU's public access information poster (image cropped for web publication purposes)The UFU's public access information poster (image cropped for web publication purposes)
The UFU's public access information poster (image cropped for web publication purposes) | Other 3rd Party
The Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) has produced a poster for the farming community.

It has been created to urge those who are venturing through the countryside during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, to take extra care.

UFU deputy president Victor Chestnutt said: “In recent weeks, the UFU have been inundated with telephone calls from members reporting incidences of people travelling from local towns and cities to exercise in the countryside.

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“This influx of visitors to rural areas has in some incidences resulted in the disturbance of livestock and a number of unwanted visitors have strayed onto private land and farmyards.

“The poster was produced by the UFU to provide guidance for members of the public, who are spending more time in the countryside. It provides information on how to act responsibly and safely in rural areas, and highlights the need to consider local farming families who are enduring numerous challenges during these unprecedented times.

“The public information poster is available for members to download on the UFU website and to display on the boundary gates and fences of their farm. By following the guidelines contained on the poster this will help to ensure that everyone in our countryside remains not only safe and well, but that opportunities for poor relations to develop between urban and rural dwellers are kept to a minimum.

“We need to take every precaution we can to protect one another and help our healthcare professionals safeguard the people of Northern Ireland,” said Mr Chestnutt.


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