Pensioner Norman dusts off running shoes for NI Hospice

Norman Mawhinney - running to raise funds for NI Hospice in lockdownNorman Mawhinney - running to raise funds for NI Hospice in lockdown
Norman Mawhinney - running to raise funds for NI Hospice in lockdown | Other 3rd Party
Big-hearted pensioner Norman Mawhinney from Antrim, has decided to use his time in lockdown to make a difference fundraising for Northern Ireland Hospice.

Inspired by the brilliant Captain Tom, Norman wanted to put his best foot forward to offer support for the Hospice during this difficult time.

A keen runner, aptly named ‘the Marathon Man’ in the past, Norman has dusted off his running shoes to raise money for this charity that is close to his heart.

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Northern Ireland Hospice, like other charities at the moment, has had to postpone fundraising events and has closed all 25 of their Hospice Shops due to COVID-19.

Norman, who decided to walk/run 1,000 laps of his garden in one week during lockdown, said :“As I am now 73-years-old, each lap will be 73 metres, which makes a total of 73 kilometres – and hopefully £7,300 will be donated.

“During 2015 and 2016, staff and volunteers in Northern Ireland Hospice cared for my sister-in-law Frances Conlan. The love and kindness given to Frances was also extended to her husband, sons and sisters.

“The Hospice care is so exceptional that words such as peace, contentment and serenity are often used to describe experiences there. Hospice care is free to those who need it, but it is not free to provide. It costs over £15 million to enable Hospice to care for some 4,000 people each year. The Government provides just £4million.”

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Norman’s challenge is running throughout this week and with the support of his wife Ann.

He finished his 400th lap on Wednesday morning with 600 laps left to go.

A spokesperson for Northern Ireland Hospice said: “We’re honoured that Norman has decided to help us during this difficult time, his fundraising efforts are inspiring, we hope everyone can get behind him and cheer him on as he pushes through to finish his final lap this weekend.”

Norman said: “I’m so grateful for the generosity of those who have supported me to reach £4000 for Northern Ireland Hospice already, and I hope I can reach my goal of £7,300 when I cross the finish line.”

Norman’s Just Giving page is at -


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