Covid-19:‘Danger’ warning over discarded latex gloves in Larne

A latex glove discarded at the roadside in Larne.A latex glove discarded at the roadside in Larne.
A latex glove discarded at the roadside in Larne. | Other 3rd Party
The danger of discarding used rubber gloves indiscriminately has been highlighted by Mid and East Antrim Councillor Danny Donnelly.

The Larne Lough Alliance representative noted it is a criminal offence to drop litter, fail to clean up dog mess or dump rubbish.

Mr Donnelly said he spotted three pairs of latex gloves which had been dumped during a walk in Larne at the weekend.

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“This means councils can fine or prosecute people who litter our streets in this manner. A fine of £80 can be handed out,” he said

“Sadly, some thoughtless people are now littering the place with their used latex gloves. Given the highly contagious nature of the coronavirus, this isn’t just disgusting it’s also dangerous.

“Hopefully people will see sense and take their rubbish home with them and clean up after their dogs.”

In response to the comments, a council spokesperson, said: “We recognise that these are unprecedented times, but we are asking for everyone to take into consideration the people working on the frontline who are having to clear these items.

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“We are asking for everyone’s cooperation in being mindful of not only the inconvenience, but also any potential infection issues possibly associated with having to clean discarded latex gloves, protective face masks and tissues from our streets.

“Now, more than ever, we need to respect the fact that many are making sacrifices to serve our community, and we all need to do our part to not increase that burden.”

Meanwhile, DUP Knockagh Councillor Marc Collins said he has raised the issue of fly-tipping with senior council officers.

Cllr Collins said: “I know there are bound to be comments that the dumps are closed, so it’s expected – no it’s not.

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“We are all in the same situation (myself included) but I don’t take my rubbish to the nearest grass verge and dump it, it is not acceptable.”


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