Man to appear in court after driving BMW at PSNI officers during parade in Fintona, Co Tyrone

arrested manarrested man
arrested man
A 28 year old man has been charged with various offences including using a motor vehicle without insurance, failing to stop for police and attempting to cause grievous bodily injury by dangerous driving.

He is due to appear at Enniskillen Magistrates Court on Monday 17th June. As is normal procedure, all charges will be reviewed by the Public Prosecution Service.

The man was charged following a report that police officers were performing traffic duties at a parade in the Tattymoyle Road area of Fintona on Saturday 15th June when the driver of a black BMW car ignored instructions from officers and swerved the car towards them.

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And an officer was forced to jump out of the way of the car while another officer successfully deployed a stinger device to puncture its tyres.

The car drove off but was located a short distance away along the Tattymoyle Road, where a man matching the description of the driver, was located hiding in a hedge by officers from Air Support Unit, who provided support to officers on the ground.