Don't tell my husband, Camilla jokes after Valentine's dance

The Duchess of Cornwall, President of the Royal Voluntary Service, dances with The Sun royal photographer Arthur Edwards at a tea party and swing dance at The Trinity Centre in BristolThe Duchess of Cornwall, President of the Royal Voluntary Service, dances with The Sun royal photographer Arthur Edwards at a tea party and swing dance at The Trinity Centre in Bristol
The Duchess of Cornwall, President of the Royal Voluntary Service, dances with The Sun royal photographer Arthur Edwards at a tea party and swing dance at The Trinity Centre in Bristol
The Duchess of Cornwall was taken for Valentine's Day spin on the dance floor and joked 'don't tell my husband'.

Camilla, who was on a day of engagements in Bristol without the Prince of Wales, dropped in on a tea party and swing dance run by the Royal Voluntary Service.

The Duchess - a fan of Strictly Come Dancing - proved nimble on her feet as she moved to the sound of Shake, Rattle and Roll with The Sun’s royal photographer Arthur Edwards.

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When asked to dance by Mr Edwards, Camilla - who was wearing knee high black boots, initially declared: “I don’t have my dancing shoes on. Why don’t you ask some of the others?”

The Duchess of Cornwall, President of the Royal Voluntary Service, is given roses by RVS volunteer Dave Hancock at a tea party and swing dance at The Trinity Centre in BristolThe Duchess of Cornwall, President of the Royal Voluntary Service, is given roses by RVS volunteer Dave Hancock at a tea party and swing dance at The Trinity Centre in Bristol
The Duchess of Cornwall, President of the Royal Voluntary Service, is given roses by RVS volunteer Dave Hancock at a tea party and swing dance at The Trinity Centre in Bristol

Mr Edwards, who once also danced with Sarah, Duchess of York in the 1980s, charmed Camilla onto the dance floor, saying: “Because I want to dance with the best looking girl in the room.”

Later the Duchess remarked: “Thanks for the dance Arthur. Don’t tell my husband.”

Camilla also took a turn with Graeme Puckett of the Hoppin’ Mad group at the Trinity Centre tea party, as visitors clapped along to the music.

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The Duchess has been president of the Royal Voluntary Service, which helps older people stay active and independent, since 2013.

The Duchess of Cornwall holds a bunch of flowers as she leaves Zara's Chocolates and Ivory Flowers  in North Street, Southville, as she met shoppers and owners of a number of award-winning independent stores as part of her visit to BristolThe Duchess of Cornwall holds a bunch of flowers as she leaves Zara's Chocolates and Ivory Flowers  in North Street, Southville, as she met shoppers and owners of a number of award-winning independent stores as part of her visit to Bristol
The Duchess of Cornwall holds a bunch of flowers as she leaves Zara's Chocolates and Ivory Flowers in North Street, Southville, as she met shoppers and owners of a number of award-winning independent stores as part of her visit to Bristol

Camilla also received a Valentine’s Day bouquet of scented narcissi during a visit to see some of the award winning independent stores on North Street in Southville.

In Ivory Flowers and Zara’s Chocolates, Camilla was presented with the flowers, and quizzed florist Xanthe Ivory about their busy day, asking: “How many bouquets have you made? Hundreds?”

She watched as chocolatier Zara Narracott made a batch on salted pralines, saying: “It must be really nice coming to work”.

Camilla also visited Rare Meat Butchers of Southville - winner of the Best Butcher in the Bristol Good Food Awards - and the Southville Deli, where she was presented with a white chocolate heart.