Target will be the ruination of agriculture: UFU

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UFU president Victor Chestnutt has said his organisation is “deeply disappointed by the outcome of the vote” on the climate change b ill at Stormont.

“This net zero target of 2050 goes against the advice of the experts on the Climate Change Committee (CCC),” he added.

“They originally highlighted that it was not achievable for NI and would result in at least, a 50% reduction in livestock numbers here.

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“We need to stop global warming, but a net zero target will not do this.

Victor ChestnuttVictor Chestnutt
Victor Chestnutt

“It is unrealistic and can only be met by cutting livestock numbers on local farms, and even by doing that, it would still not solve climate change.

“Instead, it will export our food production overseas to meet consumer demand for meat and dairy products, where emissions are higher and standards are lower.

“113,000 jobs in the agri food sector will become vulnerable overnight if this net zero target of 2050 becomes legislation.”

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Mr Chestnutt (pictured) added: “Every single job that is linked to farming in some way will be impacted, as well as jobs in rural areas that depend on business from agri food workers.

“Rural jobs are all connected together and most of these are underpinned by farming but this net zero target by 2050 has just laid them all on the line.

“We exhausted every avenue available to us. Conducting various meetings with MLAs, organising on-farm visits so our farmers could voice their concerns directly with their local politicians.

“Yet, local MLAs have worked to their own agenda. They have undermined expert advice thinking they know better, supporting a target that will be the ruination of agriculture and will tear the very fabric of rural communities apart.”

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