Even in war years the church never had such a strange time: Ex-Methodist president

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A former president of the Methodist Church in Ireland has spoken of the difficulty of keeping a congregation together in the face of Covid-19 – saying that churches had not faced such strange times even during war.

Rev Roy Cooper, who was president in 2007/8 (and was ordained in the 1970s), also spoke of how the crisis has disrupted the churches’ normal cash flow.

Rev Cooper recalled seeing Pope Francis deliver an Easter address an empty square in Rome, telling the News Letter: “I doubt that even in the war years this ever happened. It’s a new phenomenon.

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“I’m helping out as a pastoral minister [in Ballyholme] – and my ministry is by telephone!

“We’re calling every member of the congregation ... just to keep people knowing that they’re not alone.”

He said some churches have a direct debit system for members of the congregation to contribute, but many others will simply be crossing their fingers that worshippers are still filling their collection envelopes each Sunday – and that when the crisis ends they will be put into the collection box.

“Otherwise, I’d imagine churches will be going into their funds to keep them going,” he said.

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