Lodge and church team up to distribute food parcels in Carrickfergus

Parcels ready for delivery at Carrickfergus Free Presbyterian Church.Parcels ready for delivery at Carrickfergus Free Presbyterian Church.
Parcels ready for delivery at Carrickfergus Free Presbyterian Church. | Other 3rd Party
Members of the Loyal Orders were behind the distribution of around 100 food parcels to vulnerable people in Carrickfergus today (Wednesday).

Carrickfergus Temperance LOL 1537 and Kragfargvs Historical & Cultural Society teamed up for the initiative.

They were supported by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council and Carrickfergus Free Presbyterian Church.

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Among those taking part was DUP Councillor Marc Collins, who commented: “Thanks to Mid and East Antrim Borough Council who provided funding and Rev McCrea at the Free Presbyterian Church for use of their premises and helping distribute.

“Massive congratulations and thanks to our bands and lodges here in Carrickfergus for stepping up to the plate again along with all our other fantastic community groups and organisations.”


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