DUP leader is actively supporting a Brexit that will divide our small country

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Arlene Foster’s public approach to Brexit is simply irresponsible.

For the first minister to so actively support something certain to further divide our small nation is sad indeed.

Her objection to the EU is purely political, driven by her party’s utter lack of self-confidence, desperately clinging on to those well off, English nationalists, Theresa Villiers, Ian Duncan Smith, Jacob Rees-Mogg and other poseurs from the Home Counties.

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In fairness, Mrs Foster has never claimed to know much about business and commerce but Brexit if it happens, will be bad for the UK and for Northern Ireland in particular, so reliant on inward investment.

We are a small economy, far from self-sufficient and Europe has, on balance, been good for Northern Ireland.

I was on the European board of a major property consultancy co-operating with other members and stimulating business.

We assisted many overseas companies to establish in Ireland, north and south. Yes, the EU has its faults but outweighed by the many benefits.

Roderick Downer, Downpatrick