Editorial: David ​Cameron was right to visit Donald Trump in his Florida resort

Morning ViewMorning View
Morning View
News Letter editorial on Wednesday April 10 2024:

​The UK foreign secretary has made a surprise visit to Donald Trump’s Florida resort, where he dined with the former US president.

Lord (David) Cameron said it was “in line with precedent” for him to have dined with Mr Trump at Mar-a-Lago amid his bid to shore up US support for Ukraine.

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The Foreign Secretary refused to be drawn on the details of his discussion with the man who will be the Republican presidential candidate in November’s election, and who has a 50-50 chance of unseating President Biden, according to opinion polls.

Lord Cameron, an unusually experienced foreign secretary in that he has been prime minister, did later divulge that they “discussed geopolitical issues like Israel and Gaza, like Ukraine, like the future of Nato”.

The Trump campaign was more revealing, saying the talks covered “the upcoming US and UK elections, policy matters specific to Brexit, the need for Nato countries to meet their defence spending requirements, and ending the killing in Ukraine”.

This last part of the sentence is telling and, frankly, alarming. Calling for the ending of the killing in Ukraine is as easy as calling for the ending of the killing in the Middle East, but in both places an immediate ceasefire would amount to a lasting victory for two outrageous acts of war mongering aggression.

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American support for Israel has been flagging under the Biden administration and could diminish further under Mr Trump to the point where the existence of Israel itself is in peril. Meanwhile, a multi-billion-dollar aid package for Kyiv has stalled in Congress amid opposition from Republicans aligned with Mr Trump. Lord Cameron, who is meeting other US leaders, wisely said: “I always do this with great trepidation. It’s not for foreign politicians to tell legislators in another country what to do.”

But he is right to try and travel to Mar-a-Lago, where Mr Trump holds court.