Infrastructure is key post Brexit so we should build NI-Scotland link

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I was talking by chance to someone involved in imports/exports.

One of the issues he raised was the United Kingdom’s port capacity and need for more of it.

This feeds into the case for a Galloway-Belfast fixed link to fully interlink our United Kingdom to create a stronger UK internal market.

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A rail fixed link with a spur into Belfast Port will at a stroke transform the port into an all-United Kingdom port.

Plus there is a certain strategic advantage in the UK being linked to the Atlantic route via such a facility and at same time being linked to markets of Europe and Asia via Channel Tunnel.

Infrastructure is key to post - Brexit competitiveness.

Get building.

There is no time like the present.

John Barstow, Pulorough, West Sussex