Amid this war on coronavirus we must all fall in behind our leaders

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell
‘Nil points’ to the BBC and other such media in their lamentable out-of-the-blocks lack of support and encouragement for the new acting leader of the government, the Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, in the absence of the PM Boris Johnston.

At a time when the country needs encouragement and full-scale backing of the government how distressing it is to listen to the undisguised whinging of the so-called informed commentators. If commentators had turned in the same standards in WWII against Nazism they would have been interned.

Full marks to Ruth Davidson and Dr Liam Fox for turning in sterling performances on BBC News Night on Tuesday when against a shameless attack by Emily Maitlis they defended the government, put many red herrings to bed, had her gasping and spluttering for air and she couldn’t get them off-air soon enough. Get a grip commentators, we are in a war, a war against an unseen virus and it’s just as critical if not more so that of WWII. We are in war against an unseen, vicious virus, not our governments. Our governments need fair play and our lead ministers such as Dominic Raab our full support.

Commentators get with it!

Thomas Glenny, Co Armagh