Latest collapse of Stormont just serves to show that 1998 Agreement has failed

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Seanán Ó Coistín:

In the 24 years since the signing of the Belfast Agreement, the Northern Ireland Assembly has collapsed (and been allowed to fail by the UK government) six times.

In 2000, Peter Mandelson suspended the Assembly due to arguments about decommissioning of weapons.

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In 2001, the Assembly was suspended twice for 24 hours in September and October 2001.

In October 2002, the unionist parties walked out of government due to an intelligence-gathering scandal in Stormont. That walkout caused the Assembly to cease functioning for five years.

The UK government chose not to call new elections.

In 2017, Martin McGuinness resigned as the Deputy First Minister due to the crazy waste of money in the RHI and other reasons.

That collapse caused three years of inaction.

The UK government again chose not to implement the law that stipulates that an election has to be held three weeks later if no Executive is formed.

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Paul Givan has now resigned as First Minister, causing another collapse.

The evidence is clear - the Belfast Agreement has not worked.

Seanán Ó Coistín, Trier, Germany

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