Leave Councillor Carson alone, he is entitled to his view

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell
With reference to the comment made by Councillor John Carson, has he not a right to an opinion, just as those who disagree with him have a right to theirs?

The LGBT movement insult and offend Christians nearly every day by their insistence on more rights and inclusivity, etc, and the pro abortionists offend by their insistence on the right to murder the unborn child, but Christians dare not speak out against these things because they are immediately branded as bigoted and homophobic.

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Are the LGBT and pro-abortionists not bigoted also, but they appear to have the right to more free speech?

Leave the man alone, he’s entitled his own view, and he just might be right!

Kevin Docherty, Castlederg, Co Tyrone