Letter: At least Americans don't face having a leader whose party is controlled by a terrorist cabal and who defends past murder

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Thomas Smyth:

Ben Lowry’s Saturday column (‘The American presidential election nightmare choice of Joe Biden or Donald Trump,’ June 1) provided a superb commentary on the “nightmare” facing the electorate and an astute characterisation of the two presumptive nominees.

However it must be stated that no matter how deficient or defective these “two appalling candidates” are, at least decent, law abiding US citizens will be spared the ignominy and frustration of having their great country represented by a leader whose party is controlled by a terrorist cabal and who unapologetically celebrates and glorifies murderers who were responsible for the deaths and injuries of thousands of their fellow citizens.

Thomas Smyth, Belfast BT4