Letter: Brits Out of Ireland but Everyone Else In, is the Sinn Fein/IRA position

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from John Mulholland:

The old saying of ‘Brits out’ in Northern Ireland seems to have changed for Sinn Fein/IRA, and some other nationalists as well – the rest of the world is welcome it seems.

Sinn Fein/IRA seems to be saying the rest of the world can come – to the disgust of many in the republican community south of the border.

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Now we have the government of the Republic blaming those bad old Brits for their immigration problems, with little evidence of how much truth there is to confirm this as many recent immigrants have destroyed their documents.

It is even rumoured that Gardaí are set to be put on the border. I can remember the furore there was when the PSNI put up road blocks on one occasion. After Brexit, the Republic would not even have a camera put on the border.

How many immigrants have crossed from the Republic into the UK over the years? When the shoe is on the other foot, and there is an election looming, the Brit bashing has begun because the UK dares to try to protect its borders.

The south even objected to non-Irish citizens having to register to come over the border to Northern Ireland, claiming it was against the Belfast Agreement.

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The hypocrisy of the Republic government is breathtaking! It was alright when France was waving the boats across the Channel as they were not reaching the Republic.

They certainly want their cake and to eat it all. A wounded prime minister like Rishi Sunak needs something positive on immigration to have any chance of survival. He needs to start by facing down the Republic, EU and the ECHR.

John Mulholland, Doagh