Letter: DUP amendment to conversion therapy motion was defeated because the Ulster Unionists were absent

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Alderman Matthew Magill:

Last Tuesday former Health Minister Robin Swann and other UUP MLAs were absent when the assembly voted on an SDLP ‘Conversion Therapy’ motion which is part of a campaign to restrict freedom of prayer and religious expression.ro

There is a clear effort to restrict legitimate religious activities such as preaching, prayer and pastoral support. The DUP sought to amend the motion to protect religious freedom.

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Due to Robin Swann and other UUP MLAs’ absence the DUP amendment was defeated.

Religious freedom is a cornerstone of any democratic society. As a result of the inaction of Mr Swann and his colleagues, those campaigning for such change now claim to have Assembly support.

How does Mr Swann intend to travel to Westminster to represent the people of South Antrim when he can’t even do it at home in Stormont?​

Alderman Matthew Magill, DUP, Antrim and Newtownabbey council

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