Letter: Ireland’s anti-British mindset has long been evident despite its dependency on the UK for defence, economy and financial stability

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Thomas Smyth:

Ben Lowry’s opinion piece (Irish exceptionalism shown in its unfriendliness to Israel, News Letter, October 21) was superb and raises many important points that unionist politicians within the ranks of the DUP and UUP should pay close attention to.

Despite a long history of dependency upon the United Kingdom for their defence, economy and financial stability, many within the Irish state harbour a bitter, deeply ingrained, anti-British mindset which frequently manifests on the international stage to the UK’s detriment.

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Ireland’s hostile attitude towards the UK has been evident since its establishment. The failure of successive British governments to stand up to Ireland has not only emboldened Irish politicians, but has led to a sense of entitlement and privilege whereby Irish citizens can enjoy the benefits offered by the British state vis-à-vis defence, investment, education, healthcare and employment etc, without the requirement to show appreciation, gratitude or friendship.

Viewed alongside Ireland’s failure to support Israel in her hour of need and its failure to materially support Ukraine’s war effort, Ireland is not a country with values which I share.

As a British citizen from Northern Ireland, Ireland’s myopic “ourselves alone” approach to statehood holds absolutely no appeal to me.

Thomas Smyth, Belfast