Letter: Nigel Farage can see that it is a blunder to split the unionist vote

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Stephen Cooper:

It seems that Nigel Farage has cottoned on to the fact that splitting the unionist vote in this part of the UK is a strategic blunder, as he has endorsed Sammy Wilson and Ian Paisley in East Antrim and North Antrim respectively.

In a first-past-the-post election, the insular gains of individuals with self-promotion at the expense of Westminster seats has been readily and thankfully rejected.

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Complaining without any strategy to propose solutions belong in the past, and unionism will be all the better for seeking progressive policies and representation at Westminster vis a vis the protocol with the incoming administration, and impede Alliance gains which would be disastrous to unionism and our opposition to the imposition of an Irish Sea border.

I hope unionism can learn from our opponents and truly maximise our vote in the true sense and not split ranks to the advantage of said opponents and the detriment of our disparate unionist family.​

Stephen Cooper, Ex TUV councillor, Comber