Letter: Now the Labour Party plans to use drones as a weapon for a class war

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Letters to editor
A letter from David Fleming:

Drones are generally associated with war zones for aerial combat or police conducting crime operations plus other users for research and leisure.

Now Labour plans to use them as a weapon for a class war. Nothing is safe from the grabbing hands of socialism as their latest schemes threaten us.

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First councils charged residents to park outside their own homes, now this meddling party wants to tax us for sitting in our garden. Already trialled in Wales, Labour is looking at deploying these propelled midgets to spy on homeowners suspected of having large gardens so they can be hit with higher Council Tax bills. Aerial surveillance is just part of a property wealth tax, looking for new conservatories, using Google Earth and Street View technology to snoop on all improvements right down to a blade of grass, with Land Registry files being scoured, to invade our residences.

Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer is on record as saying the Welsh Government is a "blueprint" for what his party intends to do "across the UK". So if you are holding a barbecue in the garden and you think UFOs are flying overhead it will be Starmer's drones photographing how many burgers are being cooked. If Jeremy Corbyn's allotment gets droned, will too many cabbages incur a wealth tax by the vegetables in the Labour Party?

David Fleming, Norfolk