Letter: Replacing musty old parochial system with a pan-unionist movement would be invigorating

A letter from Alan Day:
Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor

It is long past time that Ulster nationalism parading as unionism is put to bed and swapped for pan-UK unionism.

This can only be achieved by facilitating alliances and getting involved in national UK politics and debates rather than our musty old parochial system. This will invigorate and broaden unionism.

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It was interesting to hear Lord Empey state that the "UUP is fielding candidates who will really bring about change, speak out for a positive UK-wide unionism" and I would be interested to hear Doug Beattie expand on how they aim to achieve that.

Similarly, I very much welcome the TUV/Reform UK alliance bringing genuine UK national politics to Northern Ireland and look forward to hearing more.

The UK Labour Party must be encouraged to remove its ban on candidates standing in Northern Ireland to allow the full gamut of UK national political opinion to be represented.

One of the biggest mistakes of recent years was the DUP opting for confidence and supply with the so-called Conservative & Unionist Party rather than having the courage to be part of governing the entire United Kingdom and insisting on a coalition government when they had the chance.

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They have had several other chances to scupper the Northern Ireland Protocol, including bringing down the May government (as suggested at least twice by the News Letter at the time) and voting for a softer Brexit during the indicative votes.

Instead they have chosen to hitch their wagons to the sinking Tory ship and try to sell a very poor deal as an excellent deal with sleight of hand.

It has not gone unnoticed that the DUP also argued that the benefit of returning to Stormont was to guard against Westminster rule and yet they returned devolved powers to those same Tory ministers they railed against. They have lost a lot of trust.

As for the Conservatives - they are neither Conservative or unionist. From the ashes, a pan-unionist movement can arise.

Alan Day, Coagh