Letter: The climate crisis will put every climate science denier to shame in no time at all

A letter from Michael Deasy:
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Letters to editor

If the developed world continues to neglect, postpone and oppose the measures needed to combat the climate crisis, 15 years from now we will all look upon the small political domestic convulsions in evidence now concerning refugees and immigrants with nostalgia.

If I lived in Somalia, Ethiopia, Algeria, Sudan or Bangladesh I would do whatever it takes to bring my family to Ireland. Fifteen years from now, at the rate we are going, countries like Ireland will be receiving refugees from the south of Spain.

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This is not the fault of politicians, farmers or fishermen. But lassitude, lies and prevarication about the simple scientific reality that is the climate crisis will put every climate science denier to shame in no time at all.

The climate crisis – we can't get ahead of it, but can we at least make some effort to catch up with it?

Michael Deasy, Bandon, Co Cork