Letter: The Ulster Unionists are out of touch, causing younger politicians to quit

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from David McNarry:

When a political party as is the case with the UUP finds itself staring at oblivion, it is time to pull down the shutters.

Witnessing the party of the ‘founding fathers’ of unionism being an embarrassment and an impediment to the best interests of unionism goes beyond personal sadness.

They are no longer team players of consequence.

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Of the six leaders since David Trimble, five remain MLAs and one takes the Conservative whip in the Lords.

In current circumstances, persistently pushing for their nominee to be elected as Assembly speaker conducting business with the NI Protocol in place flies in the face of unionist sentiment.

The UUP’s out of touch insensitivity is forcing younger competent politicians like Councillors Carl McClean and Alan Lewis out with more to follow.

The explosive indictment of the UUP by Carl McClean in the News Letter on Friday January 6 (‘I am quitting the UUP – a party I came back to NI to support,’ see link below) destroys the UUP leadership.

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His incisive comment “the public does not know what the UUP stands for and I am not sure the UUP does either” hangs the leaders out to dry!

He expresses the anguish of a typical unionist coming to terms with Sinn Fein’s political insurgence and feeling badly let down by his party peers.

Ben Lowry wrote a sympathetic column recognising the qualities of Councillor McClean, Saturday January 7 which had the headline: ‘The UUP has lost a politician who was a natural fit for it’ (See link below).

He puts it well in placing the able politician in the category of a “moderate in some respects but firm when it comes to the Union”.

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We should be grateful that the unionist cause survives without the UUP because it encapsulates the bulk of moderates who take a firm stand on protecting the Union.

Ordinary people have always been the driving force behind unionism’s direction of travel.

All will benefit from learning from the lessons of people like Carl McClean and put their trust in politicians willing to put country first before egotistical self interests.

David McNarry, Ex UUP and Ukip MLA, Comber