Letter: There is now no alternative to wiping out the Hamas perpetrators of Jihadi horror

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Tom Carew:

CNN whom I trust, as basically ‘progressive’ or ‘left’, had a report from an eye-witness in Israel, Linor Atias, a woman who is a volunteer paramedic.

She found a young girl, aged about eight, in her Kibbutz home, alone for hours, shaking, terrified and slowly bleeding to death, because Hamas cut off her arm below the elbow

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How then can anybody now say that Hamas targeted only Israeli Defence Force (IDF)?

Or did not deliberately commit multiple cruel atrocities – even on children ?

And how then can any government not grasp that the undoubted perpetrators of such horror – Hamas, designated as terrorists by the European Union as well as the United States of America, now just have to be deprived of the power to do ever again what – 17 days after after Black Sat October 7 atrocities – they have publicly declared they will do [Hamad of Hamas ‘Political Bureau’ on Oct 24 on a Beirut TV show ].

He said they will repeat such horrors, “time and time again, until Israel is annihilated”?

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My friends with whom I have been in touch in Israel, all leftists in the (uniquely cross-community mass movement – of Arab and Jewish workers) Histadrut, the Israeli Trade Union Congress, and all of whom are also long committed to a two-State solution, judge that there is now no alternative to wiping out the jihadist perpetrators of such truly Isil or Nazi-level horror.

And the Thursday August 18, 1988 Hamas Covenant (full text of 36 articles online in English at ‘Avalon Project’ of Yale University) is – not as political policy but as an absolute Islamic Divine Command – explicitly and utterly committed to annihilate Israel, and kill Jews.

It defines itself there as the Gaza branch of the IKHWAN (Muslim Brotherhood) which has also – once again – been outlawed in Egypt where it began in March 1928 in Cairo.

​Tom Carew, Ranelagh, Dublin 6

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