Letter: Unionists need to make July 4 historic - make it our Independence Day from EU rule

A letter from Stevan Patterson:
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called for a General Election on July 4. The poll will be an ideal opportunity for those true unionists to put down a marker, writes Stevan PattersonPrime Minister Rishi Sunak has called for a General Election on July 4. The poll will be an ideal opportunity for those true unionists to put down a marker, writes Stevan Patterson
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called for a General Election on July 4. The poll will be an ideal opportunity for those true unionists to put down a marker, writes Stevan Patterson

The announcement of a snap General Election to be held on the July 4 by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who for the first time has done something right in calling the election, will be a pivotal event in the resistance to the UK internal border.

We need to make this historic day a day to reject being a colony of the EU like those colonists did in America all those years ago when they adopted the Declaration of Independence on the July 4, 1776 to stand against unjust laws they did not make in no taxation without representation.

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As unionism is now split into two camps, namely those willing to implement the NI Protocol and its Windsor Framework and those who will not, the vote will be an ideal opportunity for those true unionists to put down a marker and let those who are unionists in name only reap the failure for being soft on the Union.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

By only voting for unionists who honour the special ballot box mandate and refuse to implement a sea border we can make this July 4 our Independence Day from EU rule.

A strong anti-sea border unionist vote will show that any unionist weak on the Union by telling lies that a border within our own country has been removed when it clearly has not might fool us once, but never twice.

It will also continue the fight in the deliverable and just cause to regain our freedom from EU laws which we do not make or cannot change and finally restore Northern Ireland’s rightful place in the UK.

Stevan Patterson, Castlederg