Letter: We need to face the fact that we have been betrayed by Britain, and failed by unionism

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Clive Maxwell:

Listening to unionist politicians deliberate on their poor showing in the council elections, it struck me they have no real answers. Britain betrayed us, and we are in denial. Until we admit that there will be no way forward. They have fashioned the Union into a cross, and we have to carry it. It will be the death of us. It was a symbol of our faith, our mistake, but they’ll use it to nail us down. We have been backed into a corner, with no exit. And they place the blame on us! You couldn’t make it up. They have betrayed us, hung us out to dry, and expect us to thank them for it. There is no forgiveness for their treachery.

The DUP has compromised on principles that were once the bedrock of the party. The UUP is modelling itself on Alliance, and has no conscience about it. The electorate responded with cynicism, and, such as it is, opted for the real thing. The UUP and Alliance should realise how much they have in common, bury their differences, and pave the way for a mixed marriage.

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Alliance is the party of the ‘Protestant’ middle class, but it is growing weak from inbreeding. They have reached a political plateau, and need a fresh transfusion of blood from the UUP to improve their stock, and help them to move forward. The middle-class through its proxy, Alliance, is already negotiating its future, and surrendered vast swathes of Ulster. These people are our neighbours, but they’re not our friends.

When are unionists going to understand Britain has betrayed them, and the middle class is turning out their lights? To continue as we are is not an option, we are approaching the end game, and there may be no way back. We have been betrayed by Britain, and failed by unionism. The middle class, not noted for its loyalty, is voting Alliance, others are staying at home.

There are new calls for unionist unity, but it’s an act of desperation. Do people really believe that politicians, who have failed us in the past, will change if they come together? Cast out by Britain they have no answers, and don’t know what to do. This is not a love match, it’s a shotgun marriage, and it won’t last. The Union has gone, and they have very little in common. Time will prove that. Only an act of God will hold it together. They wouldn’t agree on that.

Our community is caught in a time warp and careering out of control. Britain and the EU are dangling the bait of a ‘New Ireland’ and we are swimming towards the net. We’ll only know where we are when we’re caught. Our founding fathers must look down on us, and weep.

Clive Maxwell, Bleary