Letter: With the help of migrant voters, soft nationalists and Alliance Party supporters, unionism will win border poll

A letter from Alan S Carson:
Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor

First of all, Professor Brendan O'Leary may have a Gaelic name but he is hardly hostile to those of us who don't.

Furthermore, he was on the button when he predicted that a future border poll could be decided by Lithuanian voters, recent migrants or other eastern Europeans.

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Which is why this unionist led a delegation, with my friend Chris McGimpsey, on a visit to the Belfast Islamic Centre many years ago.

Secondly, unlike most of my pro-Union friends, I no longer get upset by the number of former unionist voters who now prefer Alliance as their political party of choice.

Because - Alliance voters are more likely to be animated by health, education and environmental issues but are hardly going to back radical, revolutionary constitutional change.

Thirdly, I am preparing myself, right now, to be spooked by our forthcoming regional general election results on Thursday, July 4, which will expedite calls for the inevitable future border poll.

But, I firmly believe we will win it with the help of migrant voters, soft nationalists, moderate Catholics and Alliance Party supporters.

Not another Orange Order parade.

Alan S Carson, Belfast BT5