Letter: You protect civilisation with force or you will get barbarism

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Howard Hutchins:

Those condemning Israel’s all out war (whilst doing so very much to protect Gazan civilians, and Israeli hostages) fight back against the October 7th, 2023, attack against innocent Israeli men, women, and children by ineffably, heinous barbaric Islamic terrorism, best heed the following:

“If you are not prepared to use force to protect civilization, then you must be prepared to accept barbarism,” are the sage words of Dr Thomas Sowell.

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Those comments by Dr Sowell, a great African-American, Korean War Veteran, philosopher, and economist, should also be heeded by those who condemn the ‘leader of The Free World,’ the United States of America’s so strong support for tiny democratic, Western-society Israel, one of the very few Middle East countries where gay, lesbian, trans, and other queer people are completely, safe from imprisonment, torture, and/or, beheading (especially, in Palestine).

Howard Hutchins, Victoria, Australia

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